Li-Air电池/ACS/ Chao Li:具有超疏水锂保护层的锂空气电池
Fudan University
将116 mgRuCl3·xH2O溶解在去离子水(60 ml)中,然后向溶液中加入150 mg碳纳米管(CNTs),搅拌半小时后,将得到的溶液冷冻干燥,在250℃,5% H2/Ar混合气氛中,以5℃min-1的升温速率煅烧2小时。
① 将1.2 g丙烯酰胺(C3H5NO)溶解在去离子水(10 ml)中,加入6 mg的N,N'-亚甲基双丙烯酰胺(C7H10N2O2)和20μL 的N,N,N',N'-四甲基乙胺(C6H16N2)。
② 形成透明无色溶液后,再加入7mg过氧硫酸铵。所得水凝胶经冻干去除吸附水后,浸泡在含NaCl和ZnCl2的水溶液中膨胀。(水凝胶、NaCl、ZnCl2的质量比为1:1:1)
③ 复合冻干,随后加热到300°C管式炉氮气流动,并维持在300°C 1 h。之后温度提高到600°C 并维持在600°C2 h。
④ 最后,产品在80℃的真空烘箱中干燥24小时,所得粉末为分层多孔碳(HPC)。在异丙醇的作用下,将HPC粉和聚四氟乙烯按重量比为8:2压缩,制备HDHPC保护层。将得到的膜切成直径为14mm的膜。
电池组件是在一个充满氩的手套箱中操作的。采用玻璃纤维隔膜浸液(1 M LiTFSI/TEGDME)分离Ru-CNTs正极和Li金属负极。HDHPC保护层直接覆盖在金属锂阳极表面,浸入电解液。
Figure 1. Characterization of the HDHPC protective layer. (a) Photograph of an achieved HDHPC protective layer. (b) SEM image of the HDHPC protective layer. (c) Contact angle of H2O on the HDHPC protective layer. (d) Nitrogen adsorption-desorption isotherms and pore-size distribution (inset) of the HDHPC protective layer. (e) N 1s and (f) O 1s XPS spectra of the HDHPC protective layer.
Figure 2. Electrochemical performance of the Li-air (O2) battery. Recyclability of the Li-air battery in ambient air (a) with and (b) without the HDHPC protective layer. Recyclability of Li-O2 batteryin pure O2 condition (c) with and (d) without the HDHPC protective layer. Cutoff capacity: 1000 mA h g-1. Current density: 500 mA g-1.
Figure 3. Examination of lithium metal anode in Li-air (O2) batteries. SEM image of (a) the pristine lithium metal anode, lithium metal anode (b) without and (c) with the HDHPC protective layer coating in Li-air batteries after the 20th cycle. SEM image of (d) the pristine lithium metal anode, lithium metal anode (e) without and (f) with the HDHPC protective layer coating in Li-O2 batteries after the 20th cycle. (g) Ex situ XRD patterns of the lithium metal anode with (or without) the HDHPC protective layer coating in Li-air batterie safter the 5th cycle. (h) EIS plots of the Li-air battery with (or without) the HDHPC protective layer coating at the pristine stage (inset) and after the 5th cycle.
Figure 4. Investigation of Ru-CNT cathodes in Li-air (O2) batteries containing the HDHPC protective layer. SEM images of (a) pristine, (b) discharged, and (c) recharged Ru-CNT cathodes in HDHPC protective layer-based Li-air batteries. (d) Ex situ XRD patterns and (e) ex situ FTIR spectra of pristine, discharged, and recharged Ru-CNT cathodes in the HDHPC protective layer-based Li-air batteries. Charge curves and corresponding gas evolution of the (f) Li-O2 cell and (g) Li-air cell with the HDHPC protective layer at 500 mA g-1.
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