

Nano Res.│武汉理工大学谢毅教授:具有梯度和多级结构的高耐候超双疏防污闪涂层材料

2022-09-04 13:05:38








本研究超双疏材料的制备采用喷涂“底漆+面漆”的工艺,通过控制喷涂压力、喷涂距离等获得具有独特梯度结构的超双疏(SAP)涂层。材料的表面形貌、微观结构、表面结构、化学成分等采用SEM、TEM、EDS、FTIR等进行测试分析。采用砂纸打磨的方法测试材料的耐磨性,采用紫外光照、酸碱液浸泡、低温冷冻及高温退火等方法对材料的耐紫外稳定性、耐化学稳定性及耐高温低温稳定性。各种涂层绝缘子(如超疏水、超双疏及RTV 涂层玻璃绝缘子)的污闪试验是在人工污闪试验台上进行,在施加电压之前,绝缘子表面采用人工污秽物(硅藻土和NaCl的混合物)进行污染,并在加湿器的雾室中完全暴露于饱和水蒸汽中15分钟后取出置于污闪试验台进行试验;通过逐渐升压直到发生闪络,并记录闪络电压值。







(3)发展了一种采用超双疏涂层材料提高输电线路用绝缘子的污闪性能的方法,其防污闪性能远优于传统RTV。在轻度和重度污染等级下,创制的超双疏绝缘子的污闪电压比传统RTV绝缘子在相同条件下分别提高了29.0% 和42.9%。




Figure 1 (a) SEM images of the primer showing mastoid morphologies of the surface. (b) and (c) SEM images of the SH coating displaying hierarchical micro-nanostructure of the surface. (d) The surface superhydrophobicity of SH coating enables the spherical water droplets (dyed with methyl blue) resident on top, while oil drops completely spread on the surface. (e) and (f) SEM images of the SAP coating surface showing hierarchical micro-nanostructure. (g) and (h) The superoleophobicity and superhydrophobicity of the SAP coating enable the spherical dyed water droplets and organic droplets (e.g., bean oil, hexadecane, and castor oil) resident on top. Insets in panels ((a), (c), and (f)) provide the high-magnification SEM images of the corresponding surface. Insets in panels ((d) and (g)) provide the optical images of the resident water droplets on the corresponding coating when measuring WCA. Inset in panel (h) reports the optical image of the hexadecane droplets on the corresponding coating when measuring OCA. (i) Water droplet (5 μL in volume) pinning and re-bouncing behaviour when released from a height of 2.5 mm toward the SAP surface. (j) Dropping dyed water on the fly-ash-contaminated SAP coating to display the self-cleaning performance of the SAP surface.



Figure 2 (a) The scheme illustrating the sandpaper abrasion test. (b) and (c) Evolution of WCA and WRA (b), and OCA and OSA (c) on the SAP coatings over sandpaper abrasion cycles. The oil for OCA and OSA tests is pump oil. (d)–(g) SEM images of SAP coatings after sandpaper abrasion test for 200 cycles ((d) and (e)), and 700 cycles ((f) and (g)), respectively. (h) The mechanism on persistence of superamphiphobicity upon sandpaper abrasion.



Figure 3   Chemical stability ((a)–(d)), UV irradiation stability ((e) and (f)), and thermal stability ((g)–(j)) of the SAP coating. (a) and (b) The evolution of WCA, and WRA (a) and OCA, and OSA (b) of the coated SAP glass slides after having been soaked in solutions of different pH values for 168 h. (c) and (d) Digital photographs displaying that both water and pump oil droplets preserve sphere-like shape on the coatings collected after submersion in extreme corrosion solutions (e.g., pH = 1 and pH = 14 solutions, respectively) for 168 h. (e) and (f) The evolution of WCA, and WRA (e) and OCA, and OSA (f) of the coated SAP glass slides over UV irradiation time. Inset in panel (f) shows the digital photograph of the coating together with water and pump oil droplets after 288 h of UV irradiation. (g) and (h) WCA, and WRA (g) and OCA, and OSA (h) of SAP coating treated at different temperatures for 2 h. (i) and (j) SEM images of the SAP coatings treated at 200 and 350 °C, respectively, for 2 h.

图3展现了超双疏涂层良好的耐紫外、耐温变及耐化学腐蚀性能。超双疏涂层分别在−20 ℃至350 ℃的极端温度下的热处理2 h、288小时连续紫外线辐照、极端腐蚀溶液(pH为1.0和14.0之间的值)中持续浸泡336小时,仍然能够保持良好的超双疏效果。


Figure 4 (a) Experimental measurement curves of leakage current and DC voltage of the various coatings under light pollution environment. Inset provides the enlarge view of the curve regarding SAP and SH coatings. (b) Experimental measurement curves of leakage current and DC voltage of the SAP coating under three levels, namely heavy, medium, and light contamination. (c) The column chart of leakage currents of various specimens as dictated under 10 kV of DC voltage and heavy, medium, and light pollution environment, respectively. (d)–(f) Digital photographs of SAP (d), SH (e), and RTV (f) coatings after contamination by diatomite powders and wetting in the fog chamber.


Figure 5 (a) Scheme illustrating the evaluation proposal for pollution flashover upon organic contamination. (b) and (c) The digital photographs of the SH coatings after contamination by different drops of hexadecane and exposing to saturated moisture environment. (d) Experimental measurement curves of leakage current and DC voltage of the SH coating after contamination by hexadecane droplets and diatomite powder.

Figure 6 (a) The PFOVs of various insulators (SAP, SH, H-O, and RTV represent coated SAP, SH, hydrophobic-oleophobic, and RTV-coated glass insulators, respectively). (b) PFOVs of the SAP and RTV glass insulators under light, medium, and heavy pollution grade, respectively. (c) PFOVs of the representative oil-contaminated insulators (i.e., hexadecane droplets). (d)–(f) Digital photographs of the corresponding insulators after contamination by mixture of diatomite and NaCl, followed by exposing to saturated moisture environment. (g) Digital photograph of SH glass insulator contaminated by both simulated contaminants (i.e., mixture of diatomite and NaCl) and oil (i.e., hexadecane drops), followed by exposing to saturated moisture environment for 15 min. (h)–(k) Digital photographs of the various corresponding insulators after pollution flashover tests.




武汉理工大学谢毅教授团队长期从事能源与环境功能纳米材料领域的研究工作,主要致力于半导体纳米晶和纳米结构合成及其化学转换、材料表界面修饰及功能薄膜材料(如超浸润薄膜)制备、基于表面等离子体共振的光热转换材料(金属硫族化合物、MXene等)制备及其上述材料在新能源、发光、光催化、自清洁、电力防污闪、防冰除冰、海水淡化等领域的应用研究,并取得了一系列标志性成果。研究成果发表于J. Am. Chem. Soc., ACS Nano, Chem. Mater., Nano Res., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, Nanoscale, J. Colloid. Interf. Sci.等国内外重要学术刊物上。
